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National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month September

Overweight Boy: Photo Source Public Domain Pictures

September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. Obesity if a growing health problem in the United States among children and teens. This month is dedicated to educating families about how obesity increases the risk of children developing Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

In 1960 the Surgeon General's office identified obesity as a significant public health issue for children. The first case of Type 2 diabetes was reported in 1980. Childhood obesity continues to increase every year and the Surgeon General's office issued a warning in 2000. In 2006 over 25 studies were completed to study the problem.

Causes of Childhood Obesity

Poster: Image Source: Raw Pixel

There are many causes of childhood obesity. It is a complex problem. One cannot blame the cause on just diet and lack of exercise because often it is a combination of factors. It is a hard problem to change and we have to have more programs for children that address this issue.

  • Poor diet

  • Lack of Exercise

  • Living in areas without access to healthy food

  • Environment

  • Genetics

  • Stress

  • Hormones

  • Too much snacking

  • Medications

  • healthcare access

  • chronic illness

  • medications

  • chemical exposure

Tips For Parents and Caregivers To Help Prevent Obesity and Help Overweight Children

Overweight Boy and Girl Eating

Photo Source: El Perchero3 Blog

Parents and caregivers can play a vital role in preventing and helping overweight children with a healthy diet and exercise. They can plan healthy meals at home, snacks, and pack healthy school lunches. You can begin to change your diet at home and start to encourage your children to get regular exercise.

When your shopping start to buy more fresh fruit and vegetables. Look for simple recipes on how to prepare them. Buy some new vegetables to try for meals. Try some new varieties of apples and pears. Serve fruit as a snack instead of cookies or chips. Serve raw vegetables with low fat dips.

Fruits and Vegetables Source: Lepotica

Shop for lean meat and poultry without hormones and antibiotics, or wild caught fish to uses for meals. Whole grains like wheat, oats, rye and pumpernickels break down more slowly in the body and keep you feeling full. Cook with healthy fats like olive oil and avocado oil.

Have your older kids help you shop and prepare meals at home. Get them involved in learning about healthy eating and food preparation. Look online for healthy recipes for kids or get a cookbook from your local library.

Serve healthier snacks popcorn without butter, fruit, and yogurt, salad, nuts, vegetables with dip, and rice cakes. Cut down on soda, fruit juice and sugary drinks. Try flavored seltzer water it has no salt or sugar, sugar free iced tea, lemonade, and fruit drinks.

Healthy Eating Plate Image Source : Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Serve food on small plates and in smaller bowls. This will cut down on portion size. Be sure your children eat breakfast. For breakfast you can serve whole grain toast, eggs, yogurt and fruit, whole grain waffles, peanut butter and banana on toast, oatmeal, corn, bran or fruit muffins. whole grain waffles or pancakes.

If your child is overweight work with your doctor to design a program that helps your child. Work with a dietitian if you can that can help you change your diet.

Encourage a regular exercise routine for you children walking, biking, yoga, exercise inside, housework, and yard work. If you have extra money in your budget sign them up for athletics, swimming, biking or classes after school or at local community centers.

Limit the amount of time children spend on computers and watching TV. This will give them more time to exercise or for other activities. They will be exposed to less advertising the promotes sugar and processed foods. Eat less in fast food restaurants get a regular hamburger without too much added it is less calories. Fast food restaurants now offer healthier options try some of the new menu items.

One Way to Change Laws That Promote Processed and Junk Food

Image Source: Giphy

Contact your local representative and ask them to draft a bill in your state to tax soda, other beverages, and food with too much sugar. Eliminate ad tax breaks for companies advertising unhealthy food products for children. Ask local school boards teachers, and the PTA to advocate for healthier lunches and better exercise programs at your local schools.

Websites With Recipes and Tips on Diet For Overweight Children

Healthy Eating Choices Source: Terceromirnobriga Blog


New Pediatric Guidelines on Obesity in Children and Teens by Clarie McCarthy, MD, Harvard Health Publishing, January 2023

Prudent Ways to Fight Childhood Obesity, Jane E. Brody, June 22, 2015, Well, New York Times, June 22, 2015

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month: Tips to Promote Healthy Weight In Your Kids, by Suneeta Sunny, Medical Daily, September 11, 2023

Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Preventing Obesity The Nutrition Source.

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