March is National Nutrition Month It gives consumers a chance to celebrate healthy eating and develop a healthy exercise routine. It is sponsored by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. During this month they educate consumers about eating a healthy diet and the importance of regular exercise.
Tips For Celebrating Nutrition Month At Home Or Work
Introduce some new fruits and vegetables into your diet that you never eat. Look for recipes to use in soups, salads, snacks and main entrees.
Bring your children shopping and have them choose some fruits and vegetables to use in recipes at home. Let them help you prep and cook food at home for meals. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins and minerals and help fight disease.
Try to have a half a plate of fresh fruit and vegetables as part of your meals. Frozen fruit has good nutritional value sometimes better than fresh.
Go to the local library and take a cookbook out about vegetarian cooking. Many different cuisines have vegetarian dishes Italian, French, Indian, Asian and Spanish. Try some new vegetarian recipes as side dishes or main entrees.
Eat one meal once a week without meat or poultry. Try vegetables, pasta, beans, and grains.
Attend a local demonstration at your supermarket or cooking school on healthy eating.
Have a potluck with family and friends and have everyone make a healthy dish to bring and sample.
At work have a potluck and have everyone bring a healthy dish to share with co-workers.
Volunteer to help at local food bank or soup kitchens during the month.
Buy fresh seasonal vegetables from local farm and farm markets.
Tips For Celebrating Nutrition Month In School
Invite a nutritionist or dietitian to talk to your students or class. Aim for a discussion about using fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and healthy oil in their diet.
Plan a cooking demo for your class . Let the students participate in preparing and cooking the recipe.
Tell your students to bring in some food labels and teach them how to read them. Explain the importance of knowing what is in the products you eat.
Teach some lesson plans on nutrition. Use books for your school library. Encourage your students to read about nutrition during March.
Exercise is an important part of a healthy routine. Try to find the type of exercise you will want to do regularly. It can be walking, jogging, biking, gardening, working out at the gym, yard work, yoga, swimming, or group sports. It should be something you do not find boring and enjoy doing. This will keep you from quitting.
Healthy Snacks
Yogurt and Fruit
Sweet Potato Fries
Apple slices with cheese
Hummus and Crackers
Tuna Salad on whole wheat bread
Hard boiled eggs
Peanut butter
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